Microalgae production and maintenance challenges

1) Due to high temperature fluctuations throughout the year and also during the day and night, it requires continuous and high-precision control of the water temperature and microalgae cultivation environment.2) The microalgae growth environment and the high price of its design and preparation have increased production costs. The culture medium is analyzed and investigated in […]

Unsupervised machine learning

Unsupervised machine learning algorithms infer patterns from a dataset without using known or labeled outcomes as a guide. Unsupervised machine learning methods cannot be applied directly to a regression or classification problem because you have no idea what the values for the output data might be, making it impossible to train the algorithm normally. Unsupervised […]

Explainable AI

The notion refers to the ability to explain an AI model, its expected impact, and potential biases. It contributes to the definition of model accuracy, fairness, transparency, and outcomes in AI-powered decision making. Explainable AI is critical for an organization to build trust and confidence when deploying AI models. As AI advances, humans are challenged […]

Information & Communication technology and Artificial Intelligence

These days, the world is facing a multidimensional challenge of integrating the concept of AI into our every-day life, making effectively positive sense out of it, and creating a commonly accepted legal framework to ‘accommodate’ the phenomenon. This challenge is of a complex as well as interdisciplinary nature, and the latter point is usually missed […]

Expanding educational justice through technology

Educational justice is defined as the provision of learning opportunities for the all-round development of all human beings.In order to achieve social justice, education should be in such a way that we could identify the talent and ability of students anywhere in the country, value them and provide infrastructure for their flourishing.From this point of […]

Keys to Promote Artificial Intelligence

Malaysia Higher Education has incorporated knowledge of Artificial Intelligence in many sectors like Computer Science and Engineering to create systems and machine learning which can solve problems in many sectors.For example, enhancing customer experience, augmenting employees’ capabilities, and stimulating a higher value by adding work experience. Underneath the IR 4.0 and MyDigital blueprint in Malaysia, […]

Assistive Educational Technology for Autism

In Malaysia, the number of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or neurological differences has increased dramatically. According to autism statistics, 1.6 out of 1000 Malaysian children have been identified as on the spectrum, and the figures keep increasing with an established prevailing rate of 1-2% globally. Alongside this, the biggest challenge for individuals with […]

Online Identity Verification

In order to authenticate the ID document whether original or fake/copy, the security features in the ID document need to be detected and then verified. AI/ML techniques can be used to detect these security features; however, they need a large dataset. Unfortunately, due to privacy concerns, for all practical purposes, it is difficult to obtain […]