Challenge AIC 04
Expanding Educational Justice Through Technology

Educational justice is defined as the provision of learning opportunities for the all-round development of all human beings.

In order to achieve social justice, education should be in such a way that we could identify the talent and ability of students anywhere in the country, value them and provide infrastructure for their flourishing.

From this point of view, educational justice is not only to build schools in urban slums, and rural area, but also to provide services, facilities, and learning opportunities similar to developed cities in order to identify talents and develop capabilities by using technology.

The Challenges:

  • What is the best way to use technology for developing countries to expand educational justice considering their infrastructures?
  • Poverty leads to lack of access to education. How to use low-cost technology to move towards the improvement of educational justice?
  • Could virtual learning pave the path for development of educational justice? Considering the lack of internet access and inability to afford the cost of technology & etc. in education by some students especially in deprived area.

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Islamic Republic of Iran