Challenge EWE 12
Green Chemistry: Applications and New Opportunities in Agriculture

Despite the vital role of chemistry in human life, one should not be unaware of the many dangers that threaten human health and the environment from chemical products and processes. Fertilizers and agricultural chemical pesticides, industrial and semi-industrial drugs, plastic materials, gasoline, and other fuels, all kinds of polymer materials, health-cosmetic materials, all kinds of detergents, and all kinds of chemical additives in various industries are all part of chemicals. They are valuables produced during chemical processes and often harm the environment and human health.
According to the IUPAC definition, green chemistry or sustainable chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that minimize or eliminate the use or generation of substances hazardous to humans, animals, plants, and the environment. It discusses the engineering concept of pollution prevention and zero waste bot at laboratory and industrial scales. It encourages the use of economical and Eco compatible techniques that not only improve the yield but also bring down the cost of disposal of wastes at the end of a chemical process.
Scientists in this field are seeking to replace the current processes with healthier chemical processes, and modeling of biochemistry methods is a suggested way of working because biochemical reactions have occurred over millions of years and have not caused worrying challenges for humans and the environment. Many of these reactions occur in natural conditions and do not require high temperature and pressure. Their products are also easily recycled, and their side products are useful for livestock farmers. Modeling these reactions can reduce current health and environmental challenges.
Dealing with chemical pesticides, waste management, and improving soil quality are the areas of interest in Iran. It requires redesigning chemical reactions and benefiting from the opportunities that green chemistry has at the disposal of the activists in the agricultural field at different stages of this industry, from seed production to harvesting the products.

The Challenge:

application of green chemistry, biochemistry, and biological modeling methods in different stages of agricultural fields such as fertilizers and pesticide production, bioremediation, waste and wastewater treatment, pest control, and soil maintenance.

Universal Scientific Education and Research Network (USERN)
Islamic Republic of Iran