Challenge EWE 16
Design and Implementation of Approaches to Improve the Social Impact of Knowledge-Based Activities for National Issues and Problems

Establishing and operating universities and research centers involve huge investments from country resources. In turn, they are expected to be heavily involved in fulfilling various social and technical needs and addressing priorities faced by local and national organizations and industries. To this end, internal mechanisms and national policies must be set up to provide the necessary impetus. Key performance indicators should be devised at the Ministry levels, and evaluation criteria should be implemented by the overall objectives. Faculty research grants and students’ assistantships, as well as laboratory instruments, should be appropriated in line with the above purposes. These activities would provide incentives for private investments toward product development research projects. Appropriate policies and guidelines are also needed at the legislative levels to provide an integrated framework for education, research, and technology undertakings and activities. Planning and implementation of these processes and procedures should be studied carefully and objectively to ensure dynamic growth and competitive capacity development.

Sharif Energy, Water and Environmental Institute (SEWEI)
Islamic Republic of Iran