Challenge EWE 39
Drinking Water

According to the climate of the region, access to drinking water is the most important challenge. Not only water resources are limited, but the supply of potable water from these limited sources also faces major difficulties. Therefore, providing economic solutions for drinking water supply based on the climatic potentials is one of the most important […]

Challenge EWE 34
Renewable Energy for Electrification and Climate Change in India

Coal based power plants constituted the majority of the power generated in India which almost doubled from 148 Gigawatt to 288 Gigawatt during 2008–2015. They majorly contributed to SO2 (49%), NOx (34%), PMfine (6.6%) & CO (6%) emissions in India. PM2.5 concentration from power plants was observed to be highest in winter (14.12 μg/m3) and […]

Challenge EWE 33
Eco-Friendly Cement

Cement is a crucial mineral that has become an essential element in constructing houses, roads, highways, embankments, etc., during the last century. This industry has undergone many changes during different periods and has been able to produce quality products. However, production of one ton of cement can emit up to 1,000 pounds of carbon dioxide. […]

Challenge MMI 09
Solving Problems Related to Excavation and Operation

Determining the reserve and accurate grading of minerals, especially in the depths of the earth, requires exploratory drilling machines with the ability to drill in the depths of the earth with very high accuracy, and it will be possible to build such machines with the support of the government. Semnan Science and Technology Park (SSTP)Islamic […]

Challenge MMI 08
Measurable Chemical Feeders

In lead smelters, rotary kilns are used to melt the input feed ( concentrate, lead sulfate, battery soil and all soils with acceptable lead grade). Depending on their nature, these foods often contain between 50 and 80 percent lead. According to international standards, the amount of lead in slag from the melting of incoming soil […]

Challenge MMI 06
Extraction of Natural Gas From Coal Seams (CBM)

Methane gas is one of the gases emitted from coal seams that is released from the mine by ventilation and is released into the atmosphere (air). In addition to degrading the environment, the emission of this gas also wastes a vast source of energy. According to research, several billion cubic meters of methane gas is […]