Challenge MMI 05
Enrichment of Low-Grade Hematite Ore Tailings in Plant Scale

Access to hematite mines for the production of concentrate above 60% is based on domestic and foreign market demand in previous years in Iran. In this way, the lack of use of advanced machines and methods has led to the accumulation of numerous depots called tailing. With increasing market demand and shortage of hematite reserves, […]

Challenge MMI 04
Accurate Measurement of Lithium and Bromine in Various Types of Brine, Extraction and Separation Methods on an Industrial Scale

The brine contains salts of alkali and alkaline earth metals. The concentration of calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium cations is ten thousand times that of lithium. In the existing measurement methods, we encounter cationic interference for lithium, and on the other hand, it is very difficult to separate this valuable element in low concentrations with […]

Challenge EWE 32
Municipal Wastewater Treatment

Due to the lack of available drinking water, there is an urgent need to treat urban wastewater and reuse treated wastewater in agriculture and industry. Semnan Science and Technology Park (SSTP)Islamic Republic of Iran

Challenge EWE 31
Power Cut for Industries During Peak Consumption

At the time of a power outage, the industry sector is in the first line of outages and restrictions. This problem has arisen due to the higher demand compared to the power supply in the country, and if it is not resolved immediately, it will be repeated with greater extent and intensity in the coming […]

Ecological and climatic migrations

The human population is placed in an ecological context that supports and also limits human activities. Migration, as one of the types of human actions, expresses the relationship between humans and the environment. Human population movements have been closely related to ecological changes, both cumulative and acute. Permanent or temporary migration has always been one […]

Commercialization of weather data

Weather data is a key factor in good governance. The country’s weather information infrastructure is a type of data infrastructure developed to collect, update and share weather information. This data infrastructure includes laws and policies, standards, organizations and people, access networks, and data. Therefore, it is considered one of the vital infrastructures in every developed […]